Tuesday, April 03, 2012

You have been warned!

Dear Readers:
In about three weeks I leave for Ireland to do research for my next novel.  Those of you who read my blog with pleasant anticipation because it comes only once in a blue moon may be shocked when the frequency increases exponentially and wish it would disappear into the corn field (Billy Mumy/Twilight Zone reference for those of you who missed this episode).  I hope not, but if you do, I promise there will not be a test when I get back.

I'm off to root around like a truffle pig for those historical treasures which I will hope delight all of us, and photos will be accompanying the journey.  Thanks, Bob, for producing (like magic) my new compact Canon SLR.  Just in time, too, because as soon as it arrived, there must have been a stand-off in the dark between my new camera and my old, trusty point and shoot because when I tried to turn it on in the morning it had died.
I hope I come across more of these unexplainable and yet inspiringly mysterious coincidences while oversees.  If not, the whole thing might make a good travel guide.

Talk soon!