Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Theory of Big and Small: Introduction

Starting next week I will be serializing my new novel, The Theory of Big and Small and presenting it here on Playdate.

The Theory of Big and Small is about a 30-something woman and her relationship with two brothers.

Most of you know my first book, How To Cook A Wolf, will be coming out next year (really). This novel was the result of a year-long journey to northern Canada and a complicated, politically-charged relationship with a First Nations Chief on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Despite an enthusiastic reception from a sucession of literary agents - my first agent had only a handful of clients, one of them John Grisham - Wolf was a puzzlingly tough sell with the houses there and a very frustrating experience for me.

So now I say, why bother with the middle men (or women)?

I've come to realize that I can use the net to become my own publisher and from time to time I will do this on Playdate. And soon I'll be moving to a private website where it will be easier to navigate my archived work and view back installments of the upcoming novel. Also, the installments will be longer - I don't want this to take an entire year to read, so a more efficient format will make reading and printing individual chapters easier. But if you are someone who likes the romance of reading in smaller bites, you can come back as often as you like and go at your own speed.

Save a tree. Read my book online......

'till next week when the story begins.