Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sweetpea's Down

Murphy's Law: Sister Peg came for a much anticipated, rare visit from a far-away land. Sweetpea & husband immediately came down with a nasty cold so I'm holed up in the bedroom with a sneezing 30 pound monkey hanging around my neck (husband is doing the manly thing and going to work to spread it around). Peg is keeping her distance, and rightfully so. We pass in the hall covering our mouths and mumbling apologies. The days pass in a feverish haze. Two cold baths to keep Sweepea's temperature down, one at midnight last night. She wanted me in with her so I wore my teeshirt in the tepid water to keep my teeth from chattering. Much later in bed (husband resigned to couch in the living room since sister is in the guest quarters) Sweetpea finally slept after I made sure she wasn't radiating anymore.

More on the Big Picture when we all recover.
